Once Remarkably Admins have created distributions as part of onboarding, any user can view the results of those distribution choices by using a toggle on the Channel Analysis page.

  1. Go to the Channel Analysis tab for any property.
  2. Toggle ‘Show Distributed Source Attribution’ to the ‘on’ position.
  3. Notice how the ‘Property Website’ lead source is replaced by distributed sources, indicated with a tooltip, and weighted, estimated results are shown based on New Website Visitor volumes. It’s replaced in two places in this view:
    1. The Channel Analysis Grid (Volumes, Conversion Rates, etc.)
    2. Top 3 Rankings Boxes (above the grid, shown below)

Tip: If your property has 2+ ‘Property Website’ Lead Sources, named differently, you may need to adjust your Lead Source setup in your PMS to create only one ‘Property Website’ Source, or distribute both in Remarkably.