The Channel Analysis grid enables users to view Volumes, Conversion Rates, Cost Pers, Revenue and ROI and Units associated with their property referral sources.

There are a few key steps that Admins should take to ensure that users are getting the most out of each and every tab, column and row in the Channel Analysis Grid.

1. Add Expenses to Lead Sources

When Admins add expenses to Lead Sources in the ‘Manage: Expenses’ feature, the expense data entered may populate any expense-related ‘null’ values shown as ‘-‘ symbols in the grid.

Expense-related ‘null’ values which may be populated with expense data entry include:

  • Cost Per Tab: Budgeted Expenses, Actual Expenses
  • Cost Pers Tab: Cost per New Website Visitor, Cost per Lead, Cost per Tour, Cost per Lease Application, Cost per Approved Lease, Cost per New Lease
  • Revenue and ROI Tab: Budgeted Expenses
  • Revenue and ROI Tab: Return on Marketing Investment

Learn more about adding expenses. 

2. Match Lead Sources to New Website Visitor Sources

When Admins match Lead Sources in the ‘Manage: Referral Sources’ feature, New Website Visitor values will appear as associated with those Lead Sources, populating many New Website Visitor-related ‘null’ values shown as ‘-‘ symbols in the grid.

New Website Visitor-related ‘null’ values which may be populated with matching include:

  • Volumes: New Website Visitors
  • Conversion Rates: New Website Visitors to Leads %
  • Cost Pers: Cost per New Website Visitor

Learn more about matching referral sources.


3. Distribute Property Website Lead Sources to New Website Visitor Sources

When Admins distribute property website Lead Sources in the ‘Manage: Referral Sources’ feature, New Website Visitor values will appear as associated with property website Lead Sources, populating those specific New Website Visitor-related ‘null’ values shown as ‘-‘ symbols in the grid.

Also, when Admins distribute property website Lead Sources, the ‘Show Distributed Source Attribution’ toggle seen above the Channel Analysis grid will be enabled.

When users toggle ‘Show Distributed Source Attribution’ on, property website Lead Sources are replaced with website referral sources selected in the distribution process.

Learn more about distributing property website sources.