Admins can add users to any property, any time.

Here’s how Admins can add users:

  1. Admins can see and click on the ‘plus’ sign at the top right of the property view (see above)
  2. Enter the email address of the user you want to add. If the user already exists and is associated with your account, once you begin typing the email address, it may show as an option to select.
  3. Select the user permission type you want the user to have for this property: ‘Admin’ or ‘Member’. Learn more about user permissions.
  4. Click ‘Send Invite’. The user will receive an email with instructions for how to access the property.

Tip: Once Admin users have invited other users to join a property, those users are automatically associated with the inviting Admin’s account and portfolio. No single user (email address) can be associated with two accounts or portfolios.

Here’s how Admins can adjust existing user permissions:

  1. Click on the ‘plus’ sign at the top right of the property view (see above)
  2. View the user in the list of invited users, and their associated granted permission level: ‘Admin’ or ‘Member’. (Learn more about user permissions).
    1. ‘Inactive’ status indicates that the user has not yet reset their password and logged in, OR that they have been removed from the property.
  3. Click on the user permission button to launch a drop-down menu of options enabling Admins to change property permission from Admin to Member, or Member to Admin, or to remove the user from the property entirely.
  4. Select the desired permission change, or removal option.
  5. Confirm the desired action.


There are some times where only Remarkably Support can invite users, and some times where Remarkably Support can help make inviting users faster and easier. See below:

Contact Support ( for help with the following:

  • Adding the very first Admin user (who can then invite other users)
  • Inviting single users to high volumes of properties (e.g. 1:50).